The One Thing Craft Ventures (David Sacks Fund) Looks For in Startups (and You're Probably Not Doing It)

The One Thing Craft Ventures (David Sacks Fund) Looks For in Startups (and You're Probably Not Doing It)

The One Thing Craft Ventures (David Sacks Fund) Looks For in Startups (and You're Probably Not Doing It)

Hey there, fellow founders! Let's talk about the elusive world of venture capital (VC) fundraising. You've poured your heart and soul into your startup, built a minimum viable product (MVP) you're passionate about, and now it's time to secure the funding to take it to the next level. You've likely heard whispers about Craft Ventures, the VC firm co-founded by PayPal and Yammer mastermind David Sacks.

The One Thing Craft Ventures (David Sacks Fund) Looks For in Startups (and You're Probably Not Doing It)

But what exactly makes their founder-friendly shark tank tick? What separates the funded from the frustrated? Buckle up, because I'm here to spill the tea (and some hard-earned wisdom) on the one key ingredient Craft Ventures craves – and it's not what you might think.

Been There, Raised That: My VC Rollercoaster Ride

Before we dive in, let me introduce myself. I'm Sarah, a seasoned startup founder who's been on both sides of the fundraising table. I've raised millions for my ventures, experienced the exhilarating highs of a successful pitch, and the gut-wrenching lows of getting shut down (it happens to the best of us!). Through it all, I've learned invaluable lessons about what VCs are truly looking for, and it goes way beyond a fancy business plan or a killer pitch deck.

So, what's the secret sauce Craft Ventures seeks? Here's the shocker: it's not about having the most innovative product in the hottest market (although that certainly doesn't hurt). It's about demonstrating relentless customer obsession.

Craft Ventures: All About Customer Traction, Not Just Product Perfection

David Sacks himself has stressed this point repeatedly. Sure, a fantastic product is crucial, but VCs like Craft Ventures want to see evidence that your product solves a real, burning problem for your target customers. They're looking for founders who are laser-focused on understanding their customers' needs, pain points, and frustrations, and who are constantly iterating and adapting their product based on user feedback.

Here's how you can translate that "customer obsession" mantra into actionable steps:

  • Obsessively talk to your customers:  Don't be shy!  Schedule calls, conduct surveys, host user interviews – anything to get inside your customers' heads. Understand their daily struggles, their hopes, and their workflow.
  • Metrics that Matter:  While features are cool, focus on metrics that demonstrate customer value. Track things like user engagement, churn rate, and net promoter score (NPS). These numbers are your gold standard when it comes to showcasing traction.
  • Rapid Iteration: Remember, your first product won't be perfect. Embrace user feedback and use it to constantly refine and improve your offering. Show Craft Ventures you're agile and willing to adapt based on customer needs.

Case in Point: From Niche to Nationwide

Let me share a personal example. My first startup catered to a very specific niche market. We had a fantastic product, but early user engagement was sluggish. We poured resources into building new features, but the needle barely moved. Frustrated, we decided to take a step back and talk to our existing users. What we discovered was a goldmine of insights. While they loved the core functionality, it wasn't solving their biggest pain points. We pivoted slightly, focusing on a broader customer segment with a slightly different set of needs. Bingo! User engagement skyrocketed, and our success attracted the attention of VCs.

Craft Your Story: Customer Love is the Winning Pitch

Craft Ventures isn't just interested in your product; they want to see you demonstrating the power of customer love. When you approach them, focus on your customer journey. Show them how you've identified a real need, how you've developed a solution that resonates with customers, and how you're constantly iterating based on their feedback. This, my friends, is the winning formula for capturing the attention of Craft Ventures and other top VCs.


  • Focus on the "why" behind your product.  Why does it matter? What problem are you solving that keeps your customers up at night?
  • Numbers don't lie. Showcase real customer traction through user engagement metrics like daily/monthly active users and churn rate.
  • Be a customer champion. Every decision you make should be based on what truly benefits your user base.

The Final Word: Go Forth and Conquer!

Now, before you head off to craft your pitch to Craft Ventures, remember, securing funding is just one step on the entrepreneurial journey. While they're a fantastic firm, there are numerous VC options out there. Tailor your approach to each specific VC, but always prioritize showcasing your deep understanding of your customers and their needs.

Let's go and subscribe now to to raise capital like a strong world-class CEO.

Remember, the road to VC success is paved with customer obsession. So, go forth, talk to your users, iterate relentlessly, and watch your startup soar!

Have you ever struggled to raise VC funding? What were your biggest challenges? Share your experiences in the comments below!