Raising Private Money for Fintech Startups

Raising Private Money for Fintech Startups

Raising Private Money for Fintech Startups

Look, if you're reading this, you're probably sitting on a killer fintech idea but hitting that same wall everyone does: Raising the money from private investors to make it real.

I've been there. Let me show you exactly how to get private investors to back your fintech startup - no BS, just what works.

Value and number of investments in fintech worldwide from 2010 to 1st half of 2024

Why Traditional Routes Might Be Killing Your Chances

Here's the truth nobody's telling you:

Banks don't get fintechVCs want unicorns onlyAccelerators take too much equity

But private money? That's where the real opportunity is.

The Money Is Out There (You're Just Looking Wrong)

Private investors are sitting on trillions of dollars.

And guess what?

They're desperate for good opportunities in fintech.

The problem isn't the money - it's your approach.

Your First 100K: The Blueprint

Here's what I did to raise my first 100K (and how you can too):

  • Start with your immediate network (but not family)
  • Hit up local angel groups specifically interested in finance
  • Leverage LinkedIn to find former fintech founders
  • Join finance-focused Discord communities

Pro tip: The first check is the hardest. After that, it gets 10x easier.

In 2017, global Fintech industry revenue was approximately $90.5 billion. That figure has grown by over 100% since then.

The Pitch That Actually Works

Forget the 50-slide deck.

Here's what rich people actually care about:

  • Clear path to profitability
  • Your skin in the game
  • How their money multiplies
  • Exit opportunities

Remember: Private investors want the story they can tell at dinner parties.

The Numbers That Make Them Say Yes

Let me break this down:

  • Show 3x return potential in 36 months
  • Present clear unit economics
  • Have at least one paying customer
  • Detail your burn rate honestly

Common Pitfalls That'll Kill Your Raise

I see founders mess this up constantly:

  • Valuing too high too early
  • Not having a clear use of funds
  • Focusing on tech instead of business
  • Making wild market size claims

The fintech industry has become the second most prolific start-ups that exceed a $1 billion valuation – just behind enterprise software.

How to Structure the Deal

Here's what works with private money:

  • Convertible notes for early stages
  • Clear liquidation preferences
  • Monthly or quarterly updates
  • Board observer seats for big checks

The Follow-Up System That Closes Deals

Most founders lose because their follow-up game is weak.

My system:

  1. Send meeting notes within 2 hours
  2. Follow up every 72 hours
  3. Always add new proof points
  4. Create artificial deadlines


Q: How much of my company should I give up?A: For early private money, aim for 15-25% max in your first round.

Q: What's the minimum check size I should accept?A: Don't go below 25K unless they bring massive strategic value.

Q: How long should fundraising take?A: 3-4 months max. If it's taking longer, your pitch isn't working.

Q: Should I use a fundraising platform?A: Only after you've exhausted direct connections. Personal intros close at 5x the rate.

The Real Talk

Raising private money for fintech isn't about your product (yet).

It's about:

  • Your ability to execute
  • The investor's belief in you
  • Market timing
  • Your hustle

Remember: Private money for fintech startups is everywhere - you just need to know how to unlock it.

Action Steps (Do This Now)

  1. List 100 potential private investors
  2. Create your 3-minute story
  3. Build a simple 5-slide deck
  4. Set 10 meetings for next week

The game is simple: private money goes to those who can show they'll multiply it.

Now go get that bag.

Subscribe to https://capitaly.vc to get the process started now.