Building Trust with VCs: Questions You Shouldn't Ask

Building Trust with VCs: Questions You Shouldn't Ask

Building Trust with VCs: Questions You Shouldn't Ask

Raising capital for your startup is a journey filled with opportunities and challenges. One of the key aspects of this journey is building trust with venture capitalists (VCs). While asking questions is a crucial part of the fundraising process, there are certain questions you should avoid at all costs. In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore the questions you should never ask a VC, why they can be red flags, and how to maintain a positive and productive conversation.

Chapter 1: The Power of Trust in Fundraising

Trust is the foundation of any successful investor-founder relationship. VCs need to believe in your vision, your team, and your ability to deliver results. When you ask the wrong questions, you risk breaking that trust. In this chapter, we'll delve into:

  • The Importance of Trust: Understand why trust is vital in fundraising and how it impacts your ability to secure investment.

Chapter 2: Questions That Raise Red Flags

Certain questions can trigger alarm bells for VCs, making them wary of your intentions or your level of preparedness. We'll explore these red flag questions and why they should be avoided:

  • Asking About Valuation Too Early: Prematurely discussing valuation can signal that you're more focused on the money than the long-term partnership.
  • Inquiring About Personal Returns: Questions about the personal returns VCs can expect can come across as self-serving rather than emphasizing the value your business brings.

Chapter 3: Conversation Breakers and Trust Busters

Some questions have the power to derail your fundraising conversation entirely. We'll examine these conversation breakers and their potential consequences:

  • Asking About the Exit Strategy First: Prioritizing the exit strategy over discussing the business's fundamentals can make VCs question your commitment to building a sustainable company.
  • Inquiring About Confidential Information: Pushing for confidential details too soon can jeopardize the confidentiality and trust of the conversation.

Chapter 4: To Lie or Exaggerate?

Honesty is the best policy when dealing with VCs. However, some founders may be tempted to exaggerate or bend the truth to make their startup appear more appealing. In this chapter, we'll address the question of whether you should lie or exaggerate your numbers and why honesty is still the best approach.

Chapter 5: The Power of Storytelling

Crafting a compelling narrative is key to building trust and maintaining a positive conversation with VCs. We'll delve into:

  • The Art of Storytelling: Learn how storytelling can help you communicate your vision, values, and mission effectively.
  • Using Stories to Address Concerns: Discover how stories can be used to indirectly address potential concerns or questions without directly asking them.

Chapter 6: Navigating the VC Landscape

VCs are a diverse group, each with their unique preferences and priorities. Understanding this diversity can help you tailor your approach and questions to specific VCs.

Chapter 7: Building a Lasting Relationship

Ultimately, the fundraising journey is not just about securing capital; it's about forging partnerships that can last for years. In this chapter, we'll explore how to build lasting relationships with VCs beyond the initial investment.


Asking the right questions and avoiding the wrong ones is crucial in your fundraising efforts. By understanding the red flags associated with certain questions, respecting the trust-building process, and focusing on storytelling, you can enhance your ability to navigate the VC landscape successfully.

At Capitaly, we're committed to helping you achieve your fundraising goals while building strong relationships with VCs. If you're seeking expert guidance and support, visit our website at or contact us now. Let's embark on this journey together, equipped with the knowledge to navigate the complexities of venture capital fundraising.